
Redz & Phoenix Display Teams

Welcome to Our Display Team

Learn more about the best display teams in Town!

Redz Performing Academy was set up in 2004 by Neil Braybrooke-Tidy to give Young People the opportunity to learn performing techniques, different dance styles and to be given chances to perform.

As well as eager Young People wanting to perform, Redz also helps those with other issues like Shyness and learning difficulties.

Redz Performing Academy treats all of it young performers the same, it doesn’t matter what back ground the performers come from

As soon as the young performers join Redz Performing academy they start to follow a strict, but fair policy of wearing the Redz uniform and following the rules set out by the various Redz policies.

Once the performers join Redz, a world of opportunities

opens up before them, from working with talented coaches at their Redz location to learn new skills to making lots of new friends and being involved in annual shows.